Self-install kit provided with the order

Instructions for attaching the ceramic picture to the headstone.

It is of EXTREME importance that you do not attempt to install the porcelain portrait until the headstone is warm and dry. Also, you should select a time when the weather will be warm and dry for a few days to allow the VHB (Very High Bond) Tape sufficient time to adhere to the granite. Above 60 degrees Fahrenheit is preferable.

Porcelain Portrait with 3M VHB (Very High Bond) tape mounted to the back.
· Rubbing Alcohol
· Scrap Cloth/Fabric
· Ruler/Measuring Tape

1. The 3M VHB tape is double-sided. Peel of one the sides and place on the back of the picture. Firmly press and hold for a couple of minutes.
2. Clean the area of the headstone you want to place the photo with rubbing alcohol and let dry completely.
3. Measure and center the ceramic photo where you would like it to go. Measure carefully as removing and remounting the ceramic photo is very hard and will lessen the holding power of the VHB Tape.
4. Now that you are ready to place the porcelain portrait, peel back the backing on the 3M VHB Tape covering the back of the picture. Then firmly press it against the headstone and hold it there for a couple of minutes.